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A comprehensive guide to understanding Foxes "Beauty Queen"

 Everyone knows I am obsessed with beauty queens but that is not the only reason I love "Beauty Queen" or Foxes. First of all, Foxes is an amazing performer and of course a stunning queen incapable of releasing anything less than perfection to the ears. Her music is the perfect example of great pop with substance.

     Beauty Queen explores some of the biggest issues that our generation faces. Louisa, sings through the song "Another generation fighting for attention." The perfect way to describe our current generation obsessed with having the most likes, tweets, and "friends." There is so much liberty yet, "why are we so content to stay the same?" Every day, "marching through the same drum." Even though, I hate comparing artists, it at times feels very similar to Marina's & The Diamonds analysis of the American Dream and that is an amazing thing. It's a perfect song that that describes the love/hate relationship with beauty and perfection that everyone struggles with.
      Now please do yourself a flavor and listen below! I will be grabbing my tiara and doing a sing-along in the meantime.